We are a co-operative Producer Organisation which centrally provides the best possible technical, collection, storage, packing, and marketing facilities to our grower members, to enable a collective and stronger route to market for their products than they would have as individuals.

We are democratic, flexible, like-minded growers with the freedom to run our own businesses whilst at the same time benefiting from and sharing our many years of experience within the PO to meet today’s challenges and meet current and future opportunities through innovative forward-thinking and collaborative activities.

We enable expansion of volume, encourage efficient production methods to optimise production costs and stabilise producer prices, and provide technical expertise to  maximise members’ potential returns, providing the income necessary for growth and future investment in the PO and our own businesses.

By running the PO and our businesses to the best of our ability, by adopting best practice, technically and environmentally, we will strengthen our position in the market place to supply our customers reliably and responsibly with the product they and their consumers want whilst achieving a more sustainable balance in the supply chain.

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Plantsman PO