Plantsman PO provides services and centralised faclities for its grower members in Ardleigh, Essex. There are currently 6 members – each grower adds to the diversity of the PO and brings with it skills, knowledge and concentration of supply that contributes to the combined strength of Plantsman PO.
Assington Fruits. A small family-run business that embraces traditional fruit growing and focuses on producing high quality crops. Situated on the Essex / Suffolk border, Assington Fruit grows strawberries, apples and pears.
Boxford (Suffolk) Farms – Winner of Top Fruit Grower of the Year Award in 2015. Established in 1938 and growing fruit in the Dedham Vale and Stour Valley ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’, Boxford grows over 2800 tonnes of apples, 350 tonnes of strawberries, over 100 tonnes of raspberries, 30 tonnes of blueberries and 12 tonnes of asparagus across its 160 hectares of cropping area. New plantings of sweet cherries in 2015 will add to the products sold by the PO.
Fiveways Fruit Farm. Fiveways Fruit Farm is a family run, diverse fruit farm in the suburbs of Colchester. growing asparagus, apples, cherries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries
J & J Howard. John and Jenny Howard have built a strong reputation for growing fruit of good taste and quality. Willow farm in Polstead supplies the PO with apples and pears which are stored and marketed through the PO.
J McCready & Son. Growing apples and pears on the high ground near Malden in Tolleshunt Major, Essex, Ralph and Mary Hayter have fantastic views of the Blackwater Estuary from their beautiful traditional top fruit orchards.
Wallings Nursery Ltd. 2011 Soft Fruit Grower of the Year, Wallings Nursery have been at the forefront of early glass strawberry production and innovation for over 20 years, growing in excess of 380 tonnes of strawberries each year.
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